The psychologist's presentation (20 minutes, she said) will discuss date violence and related topics. I showed her Galenet, and she found enough material. She emailed herself articles, and her Blackberry would blink each time one was received.
Here is an editorial in today's Daily News (I note that the singers are 21 and 19, hardly mature; add the money they are raking in, the adulation from thjeir fans, and the notoriety, and it does not make a good mix):
The beat goes on: Rihanna can teach valuable lessons to domestic-abuse victims
Talented, popular and rich, pop singers Chris Brown and Rihanna are giving America a look into the brutality and persistent dangers of domestic and dating violence. He's fast with his fists, yet she's slow to leave him.
Brown, 19, was arrested in Los Angeles for doing a horrific number on Rihanna, 21, in a fit of jealous rage. The pummeling was apparently only the latest episode in which he became physical with her. But shocking photos of her bruised, bloodied face have given way to the disturbing spectacle of reconciliation.
Experts everywhere - along with talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey, who is devoting today's program to the topic - say that most abusers are repeat offenders.
With depressing predictability, domestic violence victims convince themselves that next time will be different, that it will never happen again. But too often it does happen again. And many a woman has followed the myth to serious injury and even death.
Young as she is, Rihanna will have to work the issue out herself. Hopefully, she'll set a positive example for women in violent relationships. Pray that she does not become an object lesson in the mortal perils of taking a guy back one too many times.

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