Saturday, March 7, 2009

Conrad in twilight

A patron called looking for three books. I recognized his name and voice: he always starts the conversation by introducing himself (Hello, this is Philip Segal); he then asks whom he's speaking with. Pleasant chap. Always interesting requests.

Today he was looking for two books by John Crowe Ransom: Selected poems, published in 1948; and Chills and Fever. I found several Selected poems books, but none from 1948, so I called the patron back, and asked him what poem he was looking for. It was Conrad In Twilight. It turns out that the book of Selected Poems that HWPL owns contains that poem.

And his third request was: How we think, a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process, by John Dewey. Boston, New York [etc.] D.C. Heath and company, 1933. In the book Dewey is listed on the tile page as Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Columbia University. [The poor unfortunate soul must've known Nicholas Murray Butler.]

HWPL owns both books; the collection never ceases amazing me.

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