Thursday, February 19, 2009

Arthur Chaise? Chaize?

A Russian woman, caretaker of an older woman who came in looking for The city of falling angels: a Venice story. (2005). Berendt, John. New York: Penguin Press. When I said it was downstairs, being non-fiction (call number 945.31 B, the caretaker said "you don't read fiction; get something else." The woman asked for The Lucky One. (2009). New York: Grand Central Pub.

The caretaker than went on at some length about an American writer of detective stories who se books every family, that is, every reading family, owns in Russian translation. His name? Chaiz, Chase, something along those lines. Detective stories, she repeated insistently. I could find nothing of anyone with such a name. She said she would have to go to Little Russia (Moscow?) in Brighton Beach and get his name in translation.

Two requests for music: one for The lady and her music, by Lena Horne; another for Légendes, by Franz Liszt; HWPL owns the first, but it is in repair; and no local library owns the second. i told both patrons to contact their local libraries, say I had conducted a First Search, and give their libraries the OCLC numbers (34508258, and 14446330).

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