Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rescuing the Bible

Do you have Rescuing the Bible from fundamentalism: a bishop rethinks the meaning of Scripture / John Shelby Spong. here? he asked without any formalities or chit-chat. A tall man wearing a big yamulke and a serious look, a white sweater, and traces of whiskers, approached the Reference Desk a bit after 3 this afternoon.

No, as it happens, only two libraries in Nassau County own said book. He went to the stacks to look in the 220.6 area, but returned soon, unsatisfied with what he had found. In a loud voice he asserted that the reason we do not have Rescuing the Bible is because "orthodox parents do not want their kids reading" such books. He then wondered if perhaps some books that such people object to have been checked out and never returned.

He told me of having a discussion with a rabbi, who rebuffed his assertions by refusing to discuss them. "It's blind faith," he asserted emphatically, "not just faith."

I found several entries and told him to look and see if any books there satisfied him. He seemed not just willing, but insistent, on arguing the point. Good to see such passion and vehemence.

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